Day 233: 88.25.17

In terms of taking down notes, I will always still be a fan of pen and paper. I really enjoy the convenience of personal formatting one can do with a vast blank page and any color of pens one wants. I like that I can conveniently draw arrows and symbols on a page without needing to click and find it from a menu tab like in virtual notebooks.

Yes, I am using OneNote now with is a virtual notebook, but I don’t jot notes for it. So when they asked me to be the scribe for our weekly staff meeting using an iPad, I was like… WTF?

Haha! I admit there were some moments of utter ignorance, but I pulled through.

Technology is a friend, after all.

Day 229: 08.21.17

It’s a holiday today! Woot woot! No work-day!

On the other hand, as I owe my students three weeks worth of Observation and Recordings (we use it to write reports and track progress), today is that day to cram it all up!


I have 15 students (16 tomorrow) that I have so much to say about already. Everyday, I discover something good and bad about these kids, so there’s really a lot to write. As of this time (6:21 PM), I’ve finished at least five, but I actually began around 1 PM. Of course there’s the occasional distractions with the wifi on, so… erm. Haha.

On the other hand, my time had been preoccupied learning the work-about of Microsoft One Note which is like a virtual notebook. Now, I thought my co-teacher was standoffish when she made a comment about me still using a notebook and pen to write down my notes, especially long ones like O&Rs. I just commented that I’m old-school, because well, I am. The age-gap was glaring at that moment, I tell ya.


That encounter made me think, well, why not try it. If I can find a good platform to use as a notebook, why not? And so I remembered MS OneNote and so here I’m using it.

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I like how I can organize the notebooks and have sections and pages as sub-folders. I made notebooks for my class templates, recordings, and even reports in the future. I’m also using this as my notebook for my UPOU class. I guess no more notepads for me? Nah. I still love notepads, but this is really great to have all my documents in one place, instead of having separate files in different folders in my computer drive. Moreover, the files are synced from my laptop to my desktop and phone, so I can work anywhere and still have the same files, just like how I use Google Drive.

So as much as I love old tricks, I’m definitely open to what technology can also offer for me.