Day 210: 80.02.17

It has become a habit for me to be busy in the morning with work at school, and watching at least two episodes of the “The Rose” before sleeping.

As I mentioned before, it is really addicting. I’m not sure what kind of drugs this show has, but I find myself glue to my spot every time I’m watching it.

I cannot pinpoint whether the plot is moving fast or slow, because it depends on the episodes. There are fillers, as well, but they are equally entertaining as the main story. I think the success of the show lies in the intricacy of the characters’ personality and personal dilemas, as well as the complex relationship built around them as romantic love and love for family are blurred and questioned.

I was surprised when they gave away one of the biggest secrets about Bai He by the fifth episode, but at this point, I realized, it’s actually a good plot device for the development of Bai He and Jin’s relationship.

On the other hand, I feel very sorry for Kui. The saying that we cannot chose the person we fall in love with is very true with Kui’s situation. He fell in love with both Jin and Bai He who are his half siblings. When he realized he was falling for Bai He, he really wished she turns out to be not their mother’s child, but then she is, and her only blood family, in fact, is Kui. Kui already feels guilty for loving Jin, his older half-brother, and then he falls in love again, apparently, with another sibling. He’s aware that his love is forbidden and he should not pursue it, but then he is only human, so his self-control and rational wanes every now and then. Bai He’s care-free personality allows him to be more affectionate to her than him to Jin, which in turn, makes him fall in love with her more.

At some point. Kui left the house when Jin found out about his feelings, and I was quite relieved for him. Finally, I realized the gravity of his guilt for having those feelings. The reason he eats so much is because it comforts him. He’s like a walking stomach which does not have a bottom because his guilt is almost bottomless. He doesn’t gain weight because he gains nothing from the comfort of food as it only silences his pain. When he left the house, for once, he could live as a single man, not of the Han family, not the “brother”, he didn’t eat as much (he didn’t have money, but also he didn’t need to), and he was emotionally independent. Fu Rong said that Kui is a person who craves for affection which their house lacked until Bai He came, so for once he was able to see that he can live without that craving. But of course, this independent living was short-lived since Jin and Bai He was able to get him home.

Since I’m still torn between Jin and Kui for Bai He, I’m shipping the Fu Rong and Mao Jin pair for now.


For some reason, I thought the quiet but fierce Fu Rong would go well with the eccentric Mao Jin. Their contrast in character makes for the odd chemistry. Nonetheless, both of them are very perceptive. Their advices and opinions influence the actions of the other characters. They are the personification of logic for the often confused Han triangle. It’s so cute to see Fu Rong’s calm demeanor shaken by Mao Jin’s persistent interest in her, and how he gradually captivates her attention by being raw and honest with her. I noticed that Fu Rong always has her arms crossed on her chest, a gesture that can mean a person has high walls, but Mao Jin was able to read her like an open book, and I guess this touched her. I hope they end up together in the story. 😀

The episodes tonight also got me giggling and almost losing my mind with my fujoshimones going haywire! Since the Jin/Bai He, Kui/Bai He doesn’t disturb me much, the Jin/Kui pair is shippable too!

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Not to mention, they are both equally hot men! Haha! These two brothers play silly. Haha! At some point, I say drop Bai He and get together instead! XD