Day 217: 08.09.17


Since my assignment for MES is over, there’s not a lot to do more for the class tomorrow, well, there’s plenty of time to watch “The Rose”. Not to mention I had eight hours of sleep yesterday, so I’m wide awake even as of this writing!

*Standing ovation* I’m not sure if I’m eloquent enough to describe my admiration for this show, so instead of giving an overall review of the drama, I’ll spazz about the very satisfying ending instead.


I’m a person whose very particular with endings, aside from characterization, so I was a bit nervous about the ending of this show. I mean, out of the 26 episode, I was glued to the edge of my seat/bed because every episode was so damn well-executed, so I didn’t want an unsatisfying ending. The ending is a deal breaker for me. Even if a story is great, if the ending sucks, it’s possible that my impression of it as a whole dampens. On the contrary, if the ending is satisfying despite the OK story as a whole, my impression of the show can be saved.

For “The Rose”, I was very happy. With Jin and Bai He together, Fu Rong finally spiling what’s really inside her heart (her cool mask shattering), and Kui accepting and moving on from heartache, the problem with their mom was the only one left to solve. And so, I thought it was a very nice touch to put the solution for this conflict last because after resolving their personal problems (including their mother’s), they then faced the problem of their family as a family.


They were connected in the first place because of their mother, no matter how wild she is. Their collective love for her, though in different ways, humbled her, and it paved way for her to finally express her love for them and understanding each other better.

The ending was of course Jin and Bai He’s wedding (sponsored by Mom of course!), Kui still realistically hurting but staying strong in moving on, then there’s Fu Rong who finally hinted of her and Mao Ji’s own wedding soon! WAIII~ Too bad they were not able to expound on this anymore. I really wanted to see how Fu Rong would introduce Mao Ji to her arrogant and high-standard mother, and how he’ll eventually charm her like how he charmed Fu Rong. Hihi.

Anyhow, 10/10 stars for this drama. I’ve never had so much sepanx and attachment towards a TV drama. Love it!