Day 228: 08.20.17


So I’ve been on a hunt of light, entertaining rom-coms from Taiwan because I think it’s a subconscious longing to go back to that country. Sadly, the plans for December had been crossed out with no budget until now, no ticket yet, and my best friend has more important matters to use her money for. Although, I really really hope to come back to this country again, hopefully next year. Spring would be nice again. 😀

Anyhow, there had been a string of Taiwanese films I’ve watched before this one like “At Cafe 6”, “Yesterday Once More”, etc. They were so-so. This one is not any different.

I decided to watch “20 Once More” since it was well-recommended in different websites. It was easy to find a copy and so I was ready to go.

Overall, the movie had it going great, until the ending. What a shame.

The main character, the old woman, had no character development whatsoever. If the ending was any hint to change, it was like a short, unnoticeable burp then the screen rolls the credit. No one in the story actually had any development. By the end of the movie, I think the problem within the family, especially between the grandma and the daughter-in-law, had no clear resolution. I mean, the reason why the wife collapsed was apparently because of stress from the mother-in-law (grandma), right? Thus, why she was to be sent to the nursing home then she encountered that magical photo studio that turned her into her youthful version.

At the end of the movie, I still felt sorry to the mom as I did at the beginning. Being old and experienced doesn’t give one the right to be mean and overbearing. With age we feel entitled, but you can be wise and guide others without putting others down.

3/5 ⭐




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