Day 267: 09.24.2017

Today is the last day for voting for the PUSH Awards. I’m really vouching for Edward to win as Push Newcomer. If MayWard wins as Tandem of the Year, then I think that’s a struck of luck. I mean, our fandom is up against fandoms already well-established in the industry for more than a year unlike MayWard which only became official six months ago.

For now, the important thing is we’re fighting. Despite my despise for slow-loading websites, I asked for 30 accounts plus my 3 accounts to help in voting just to support my babies. The rest is up to the tally.

Seriously, I’ve never been this active in a fandom before. Local fangirling surely is a lot of work. Phew!


Day 266: 09.23.2017

Happy, happy Friyay!

Morning Meeting was great today. There were many things that I needed to discuss with the kids, some very important ones, and I expected them to bounce around after 10 minutes, but I guess talking to them in a gentler manner affected them as well? We tried this last school year and it actually works. The more that you raise your voice kids, the more they became energetic with it. LOL

So yay!

Day 265: 09.22.2017

With the improvement of socialization amongst my students, it cannot be helped that they interact so well with each other now. So well that they lose focus during group meetings. And that leaves us, their teachers, getting frustrated over it. Haha!

Recently, I noticed that I’ve been raising my voice a lot in class. I think I frown more as well. Am I turning into a monster again? I hope not!

Well, tomorrow is Friday, so I’ll try to remain calm and not get angry at anyone (as much as I can), maybe that will also have a positive effect on them. Ya know, model the behavior, right?

Day 264: 09.21.2017

Seriously, local fandom definitely eats a lot of my time.

I mean, when I fangirl for my Japanese and Korean groups, I basically just rely on pictures, videos, and other goodies from other fans, then I turn off the net and I’m good. However, as my current fandom is in the Philippines, then I realize how busy being a fangirl locally is. There’s the voting in various polls and sites, buying magazines and newspapers they are featured in, watching their TV shows and movies, and basically anything to support their career, and of course, see more of them because that’s our entertainment.

So now, the MayWard fandom is busy voting for the Push Awards 2017. I’ve been hearing about this awards for years now, but of course I never gave much care for it until I got involved with this fandom.

This year, MW is nominated for Tandem of the Year and individually for Best Newcomer. The MW groups have decided to dedicate their votes for Edward since we want more recognition for him, and knowing full well that Maymay wouldn’t mind the least. During the Big Night, the same thing happened when we knew full well that Maymay was up against Kisses. As casual viewers and fans alike knew that Maymay had a bigger chance to bag the Big Winner prize, many chose to give their vote to Maymay instead of Edward since he was secured in the Big Four anyway. In my case, I still voted for both of them. It’s up to us, really. In this case, I’m voting for Edward because I agree that he needs more recognition. And I think his performance in LIT is enough to have this award given to him. That was definitely a breakthrough performance for a newcomer. On the other hand, I also think Maymay deserves the award since she also did great in LIT, she has hit songs, she performs well, and she’s graced the covers of various magazines, not to mention she’s a darling of the crowd, but this is precisely the reason why I want Edward to bag this award. I believe that this recognition will give him more opportunities as Edward, not just as Maymay’s partner. Yes, MayWard is amazing together, but I also want to see them individually strong, and only because I know they could. And I don’t want him to be overshadowed by Maymay because I know he has potential for other things. He just needs more confidence. I think being a VJ or hosting will fit him since he’s very eloquent. Singing or dancing maybe nah. And of course, more acting for the kid! I hope he tries theater here in the future, too. I’ll surely watch that.

For the Tandem of the Year, I’m not expecting much. Our fandom is up against KathNiel, LizQuen, JaDine and McLisse which are fandoms much earlier than us. With McLisse and JaDine, we might have a chance, but KathNiel and LizQuen? These pairs probably have fans quadruple of the ones we have as their followers grew over the years. So if it’s just for voting power, I think we’re up with big bosses. Nonetheless, we fight as we can.

Voting ends on Sunday, hope we win! Cheers for MayWard and Edward!

Day 263: 09.20.2017

As they say, some things are sweeter the second time around. Indeed.

It’s very unlikely of me to watch a movie twice at the cinema because it’s costly (actually, I only watch a movie at the cinema when it’s action to relish the special effects and sounds from the movie, or often I just wait for the DVD copy), but I was craving for Loving in Tandem so much, I just had to.

The first time I watched this movie at the Block Screening, I think I was not able to relish the lines and scenes very much because I was in hardcore fangirling mode with my co-fans. So you know, emotions were too high to actually analyze details.

Good thing that Glorietta 4’s cinema was small, so the screen was pretty close and I was able to closely examine facial expressions. On the other hand, I’d still prefer that I was a bit further from the screen since I had to tilt my head a bit and the light was kind of glaring.

Anyhow, I’m very glad to find out that my impression of the movie did not change after the second viewing. I mean, I was scared that I’d be lukewarm to it later because my favor for it the first time was caused by the hype of the BS, but nope. It’s actually got better.

Story-wise, I have no qualms about the film. I really love the theme about home and being a prisoner, even in your own home. It got me thinking about the Philippine culture about filial piety and a child’s obligation to his/her family. As family, it is our responsibility to help our family member. In the Philippines, sacrificing for one’s family is venerated because it aligns to the teachings of Catholicism; like Christ, one can sacrifice for the sake of his/her loved one. However, how do we love our family right? When are we allowed to stop with our obligation and focus on ourselves, too? Compassion is good, but to let others be dependent on your help is not helpful at all. You let yourself be a slave of their needs, and instead of teaching them stand by themselves, you simply carry them on your back, even if they are completely able to walk on their own.

Seriously, that confrontation scene between Luke (Edward) and (Shine) about that topic will always blow me away, probably, even if I watch it again and again and again. The lines, Edward’s delivery of it, belisima!

Speaking of Edward, there were redeeming parts of him from this second viewing. That first window scene when he just came to the Philippines, the first time I watched it, I guess I was adjusting to his acting too. This time, I felt his anger, his sadness, his loss better of being in a place he couldn’t connect even if everybody was forcing him to call it “home”. The angry scene when he found out about Shine’s secret was still a bit lacking though, unfortunately.

Anyhow, Loving in Tandem, indeed is a good movie. Simple, but the story hits you home.

Again, congratulations, LIT Team!

Day 262: 09.19.2017

I’m back with a baito (part-time job)! Yay!

This is good since I’ll be able to save some money again. Also, I did miss the Tambunting kids. They are all really fun kids. They can be quite a challenge to teach, but they are really nice, and I’m so happy they were also excited to see me back!

The problem is, my village ID is expired! That means, I can’t enter the gate closer to their house. Huhu. Of course I can renew my ID, but I’d need to apply for a new NBI clearance as well. Urgh.

Nonetheless, it’s been a year to tutor work, huh? Wow.

Day 261: 09.18.2017

It will forever be an amusing encounter when your old teacher chats with you like a friend now that you’re older.

I just had an energetic chat with my now 72-year-old teacher over the phone and it was wonderful! She shared about retirement, asked me about my work as a teacher too, and about keeping herself young. She isn’t of course, but her voice sounded as vigorous as it was when I was seven years old.

Yep, she was my Grade 1 teacher.

Day 258: 09.15.17

You know that feeling that tells you to stop even when you know you’re doing the right things?

Somehow, I feel like shutting up about my opinions in our school staff meetings because I’m always just the one speaking out. They might think I’m being obnoxious. I’m starting to feel obnoxious about myself, too.

It’s just that I usually feel that it’s my job to talk about sensitive topics because no one is willing to do so. I’d sacrifice impression if it means bringing about some resolutions to issue. But it’s kind of demotivating when I started feeling like I’m the only one who would be doing this all the time. I wanted to inspire voice, not make my co-teachers dependent on me. So even though I feel that it’s right to speak about things I feel should be honestly laid out on the table, I think I’d have to slow down somehow.


Day 257: 09.14.17

I definitely have a hangover of MayWard because of “Loving in Tandem”. These two have really gone a long way and as a fan I’m so happy they are receiving the recognition they deserve!

Today, they went on Magandang Buhay again. I think I had a previous post about MW being in this morning talk show and how much I love the way they are treated individually in this show. Even as a love team, the questions are usually about their partnership, not about pushing them to be lovers.

Maymay was interviewed with her brother, Vincent. They were asked about their close relationship. Meanwhile, Edward was interviewed about being a friend, and his best friend in Germany, Luke and about his grandfather. I love how the individual interviews highlighted other side of them, as siblings and as friends. As a fan, I closely follow everyday posts about these two, but the posts are usually about the “kilig”, about the possibility of being them. I’d be happy if they would be an item in the future, but I think now, especially the movie, it’s better if they would be raved about their skills and teamwork more than anything.

Again, congratulations, Edward and Maymay!

Day 256: 09.13.17


“Loving in Tandem” (LIT) was actually, really lit!


When Edward said that the movie is a “small movie with a big heart” I thought it was an exaggeration. I mean, how many actors have promoted their film the same way only to prove that it’s really not how they talk it to be? I guess, as this is Edward speaking, he speaks the truth and nothing but the truth. Haha.

Alright, since my head is still raving over my experience of the movie, let me put these thoughts in categories: acting, characterization, theme, execution of ideas in motion.



I’m starting with this category since I watched the film for the actors playing the lead. I usually would pass watching a rom-com in a theater because watching in a cinema is expensive, so only movies big on sound and visual effects do I spend on a movie, but since this is in support of my babies, gora!

I’m not kidding, but I wasn’t surprised at how the kids faired in acting. I mean, I would’ve been surprised if they acted bad in this movie despite the “first movie naman eh” handicap. Part of my strong support for MW is because they are worthy to be supported with the natural skills they have for acting and because I know they work so hard to be better at their craft.

So, how did they fare? I’d give them a standing ovation.

Overall, hands down to Maymay for bringing life to the movie. Like how she is inside Kuya’s house, the scene lights up every time she’s in the frame. May it be a humorous, dramatic, or romantic, she nailed the delivery of lines, the comic timing, the nuances, the expressions, everything. She was very natural. Compared to how she was in the live drama in PBB, the workshops ABS-CBN provided and her experience in La Luna Sangre definitely helped her achieve the skills required for the movie, and of course with the help of a good director and experienced co-actors (and a very smart, caring, and supportive partner, yes? Hehe.)

Edward, on the other hand, hands down to this kid’s dramatic prowess. LECHE! HAHA! I mean, there were some scenes which made me go “hmmmm” on Ed’s acting, especially in scenes which required him being angry (this is probably the most difficult for him because he doesn’t seem to be the type to get angry, more on the sad or depress part, maybe), but the sad, confrontational scenes, OH MY GOSH. I didn’t cry like the others, but when he delivered the lines about “home” and about being a “prisoner”, I was touched. Like, legit. His acting, his emotions are very deep for such a young, young man as he is. Probably because he feels so much. So despite Maymay bagging the overall performance, Edward’s dramatic scenes blew everyone away that they are still on equal ground here.

As partners, that bond they have for each other was felt through the movie. As fans, we know that MayWard works because they help each other grow to be better people, to be better actors. Their chemistry had always been there, but it was intensified and validated through Shine and Luke.

And kudos to Ryan Bang as every scene he appeared got me laughing in stitches. I didn’t expect that. The boy is a natural comic!



In the beginning, I was confused as to why the title had “tandem” in it. I thought it was in connection to Kisses and Marco as the second love team. Although I’m not the biggest fan of the title (I find it baduy, to be honest), but it works for the story and the characters.

Shine and Luke are typical characters. Their love and family story are also typical, but their characters were given depth, and this depth reflected in the movie so well. Shine, gave Luke’s gloomy days in the Philippines brightness, thus the name, eh? The words shine and  brightness are also associated to light which is also associated to enlightenment. Luke was able to patch up with his family because of Shine’s help, being enlightened on the positive side of his new reality, and how the home he was so desperate to go back to was already there. On the other hand, Shine, whose brightness conceals the pain she goes through for her family, is helped by Luke to “look” (lol) into herself. Luke helped her reflect upon the meaning of love, not only romantically, but more importantly about her love for family and especially about herself. That’s why they are a tandem because they worked together to solve each other’s problems, as well as bring happiness to each other in the proces.

I was happy that by the end of the movie, all the questions I had about Luke and Shine were answered, so the ending (my deal breaker) was very satisfying. Of course, big bonus were the kilig scenes! AYIIEEE!



The movie has several themes about family, the idea of home and belonging, love in different forms, and being a “prisoner”. Amongst all, the “prisoner” theme surprised me the most. What I thought was just a punch line in the movie was actually an important theme, especially for the characters.

When MW shared that Shine and Luke were opposite in personality, I was skeptical. Luke and Shine were basically Maymay and Edward in different names and background, and yes, the two are indeed opposite in many ways too, but what’s apparent with the differences in their characters is that while Luke is fine being alone as long as he is able to break free from the life that he doesn’t want, which in the process causes him to be angry and cold to his family, Shine is willing to smile and stay in a place that actually imprisons her because of obligations to her family. Luke is set on establishing an identity for himself by going to a place where he knows he belongs, with or without family, while Shine has already forgotten to love herself for the love of family.



I gotta hand it to Direk Giselle for doing such a good job in directing this movie. The humor, drama, romance were all on point. With a good story to boot, the characters, the setting, and the details of the story all came alive with the help of a good executioner in film. Transition of scenes, camera work, acting, special effects, great job! As Direk Rory Quintos said, “a new director is born”. YAY! And she seems so young, wow. Looking forward to more films from you, Direk Giselle Andres.


So there. Definitely a small film with a big heart, as Edward said. The story is simple, but honest. The issues in the film are real, painful, and existing in real life, so it is relatable especially to Filipinos, but the way it was delivered was very true to its genre of romantic-comedy with a bear hug of slice-of-life elements.

Must watch! Congratulations to the whole LIT team!


Rating: 5/5 🌟



Day 255: 09.12.17

I’m basically procrastinating to the max and I hate it, but I have no will to fight it.

Uhm, I have the will actually since I’m still able to produce something (regarding work), but it’s very weak in the house (where I do my reports). HUHUHUHUHUHUHU

Tomorrow I’ll be meeting Char to watch “Loving in Tandem”. I’m excited to watch the movie to see the acting of the two, but I don’t have a high expectation of tehe movie. It’s better this way, right? Nonetheless, I hope it’s good. 🙂

Day 254: 09.11.17

It’s been a while since I last poured a reflection about MayWard.
Although I’ve lay-lowed in the frequency and amount of time dedicated to fangirling about this pair, I still support them and still closely observing the progression of their relationship’s dynamic.

My MayWard experience is a combination of two passions: observing human behavior and fangirling, thus, it’s amazing. LOL

Anyhow, the tandem are busy promoting their movie left and right. This Sunday, they were on TV for ASAP and Gandang Gabi Vice.

MW in Chillout, an ASAP segment I always look forward to when they are guests because the hosts are funny, they were made to try a chemistry workshop wherein they have to look at each other and say things they like about each other.

From the last time I talked about MW here, their closeness has leveled-up. Before, it’s cute because they seem to be just bickering kids and occasionally someone teases them on having a crush on each other, but now, their gazes are bordering on intimacy that’s way beyond their wholesome image. Seriously. The sexual tension is so thick, you can slice it with a knife. Especially Edward’s eyes seem so comfortable on Maymay that I understand how she cannot contain the kilig. Especially Edward’s eyes are something. You’d always go back to it.

Anyway, there’s a part which went like this:

MM: You like my smile? I like the way you look at me.
Edward: *grins, holds Maymay* You like the way I look at you? I like your lips. *swallows*

Several times, we (fans) have seen Edward either swallow or wet his lips whenever he looks at Maymay. This is what I mean by intimate. Well, he is 17 after all, I’m pretty sure despite his really good up bringing, he is still at the mercy of his hormones. Maymay is pretty and has become sexier too, so what can a 17-year-old do? Unless he’s not attracted to girls, he wouldn’t have this reaction.

Honestly, before, I read Edward’s looks at Maymay as a sign of anxiety. Being on the shier side than his partner, Maymay is his comfort blanket in interviews, dancing, singing, doing whatever on stage. But now that he is more comfortable at doing these things, he still likes to look at Maymay. Actually, it’s more of a gaze, a loving, tender one. A gaze that will make you feel bitter towards your single life. That kind.

In interviews both him and Maymay always answer that they don’t know what will happen in the future so who knows if they will end up with each other or not. I believe them. Who knows anyway? When asked if he is courting Maymay now, he says that’s not in his mind right now. Maymay when asked if she will allow someone courting her, she said her priority is her job and providing for her family. So clearly, getting into a romantic relationship is not a priority for both which works well for both of them, too. The rest of this reading, I’ll expound more on the GGV episode.

Okay, came 10 PM, Gandang Gabi Vice (GGV) went on air with MayWard as guests. Of course the hosts grilled them with questions about love, liking each other, etc. I got a little bit irked with Maymay here because she couldn’t answer directly if she has a crush on Edward. I mean, it’s a crush. Crushes are supposed to be safe feelings of admiration. Yes, it can develop into something more, but if that’s not a priority for her anyway, then what’s the harm, right? Well the thing is, I’ve mentioned this before too, that Maymay likes Edward so much more than she could admit to anyone especially to herself. As open as she can be about her personality, her background, her body odor, whatever, but when it comes to matters of the heart, she is guarding it like those soldiers in Rizal park. It goes to show how much she was hurt of her previous relationship and despite probably having moved on from the guy, the pain it brought her has damaged her trust into going into another relationship. After being in a serious relationship for 3 years, I’m sure she won’t be playing around with the next one, so she’s so reluctant in opening her heart to the matter again because she’s afraid that history repeats itself. Add to the formula of being abandoned by her father and her grandfather passing away, the pain of abandonment has scarred her, so she’s afraid of gambling with it again. So, she’d rather focus on more important stuff like blessings of work and the fulfilment of her dreams, rather than paying attention to a relationship.

This, I’ve understood well enough about Maymay even from before, the revelation nowadays is the way she and Edward act like lovers. In the episode, Edward hinted that Maymay asks, maybe even demands, for his phone passwords, and gets jealous when he’s chatting away in his phone. Of course, these are things that, despite declaring Maymay as his closest friend, he can keep to himself. You now, privacy. I have a best friend of more than a decade, but we keep away from each other’s phones. Even if I’m the clingy type, I still would not ask for my friend’s password or whatever. Even parents don’t do that unless necessary. So if this is true, that’s kind of annoying of Maymay, but regardless, that’s a privilege a lover can have, right? And Edward, being the honest gentleman that he is, just gives his phone to Maymay. Haha! Maymay was flabbergasted to Edward’s revelation to the public which made her so defensive! Maymay is usually so open, and it’s actually obvious when she’s in denial, so this tells me that they are in a sort of understanding which is more than friends, but less than lovers. For Edward also to yield to this childish demand is telling that he gives Maymay access to he would otherwise stubbornly deny others. Even if Maymay gets annoyed at him for not granting her demand, he can continue denying her access to his phone because that’s his choice. But if he yielded because he didn’t want Maymay misunderstanding or getting jealous of girls or whoever, he’s protecting something he’s willing to sacrifice privacy which seems to be very important to him in general.

This is what we call, galawang jowa. JOWA! JOWA! JOWA! Lol.

Speaking of Edward, I just really… SIGH. If only we can all have an Edward John in our dull single life. He’s really the type you’d want to end up with till the day you die. I mean, the way he carries himself, the way he answers difficult questions, his perspective speaks so much of his amazing, humble upbringing. When he was asked his thoughts on being partnered with Maymay and accusations of his “sweetness” towards her as just part of the job, he bravely answered that he would never do something he doesn’t want to do. His parents taught him that. So being partnered with Maymay, going through the belly of dirty Showbiz, he’s willing to go with it because he likes it. Note, he basically kicked asses of bashers while cementing his determined personality at the same time. Note, he said this without batting an eyelash. The way he speaks leaves no room for doubt. So impressive. In a girls vs boys face-off in GGV, the girls said boys always break their promises, so the host ask the boys if they admit to it. Edward said of course no, only bad men/boys do that and he’s not one of them. His best friend, Marco, is actually that guy, but he knows better than to play the loyal bro and tolerate that side of his, so he’d rather defend the number of men who are actually good like him. Kisses also mentioned about some men collecting girls and then just selecting one for which he expressed distaste for. Edward said that a person should just chose one and be given one chance then that’s it. Shows how loyal he is to the person he likes right?

That’s why for whatever the fans hated about Edward liking Heaven in PBB, sorry, but it really happened. Edward is smart, but he has admitted that when it comes to girls, he’s kind of clueless about them. But I think, he had always been true to his feelings which I respect as well. Inside the house, I think he’s very interested in Maymay and perhaps he already had special feelings to her, but it wasn’t until they went out that he’s able to probably have a name for it. After all, the outside world is a better ground for testing their feelings as the PBB condition is controlled. The outside world is a better space to test free will and honesty.

Edward also thinks that girls shouldn’t be treated like balls that men can play with. See? A gentleman. He mentioned before that his parents always taught him that, to always be a gentleman to girls. He is playful, but he is always respectful of them. You can see it the way he hugs, his touches, his concerns. When it comes to Maymay especially. There’s this undeniable body language between them that I’m curious if they’re even aware of. I mean, when in public then Maymay cries, Edward would subtly graze Maymay on the arm with the back of his hand, like a whisper speaking of concern and comfort. There’s almost no space between them when they are sitting together, unless their chairs are apart. They lean towards each other, their body moves towards the direction of each other just to have their elbows or shoulders touch. He doesn’t mind touching her armpit, his hands seems so at home on her arms, shoulders, back, or even her underarm, while Maymay on some rare photos were found leaning her head on Edward, her hands would casually touch his knees and thighs, she’s more open to touching his face now, and her body leans towards him even if she cannot establish eye-contact with him.

So in conclusion, I think there’s already an understanding between these two. In Pinoy cultural terms: MU (may Mutual Understanding of feelings). These two have dreams to fulfill in their young life and they are genuinely enjoying and are at home with whatever they have right now. Perhaps they act like lovers, but they’d rather not give a name for it. These kids are one of the most honest in the industry, so I’m sure whenever they say they are not “mag-jowa” yet, they mean it. We see it differently because as fans, we chose to see what we wish them to be. I’m sure these two will get there. There will come the day that they will be ready to be in a relationship, so I’m just happy that they are grounded and smart enough to be patient and prioritize. They can be the best of friends and be as sweet and caring and loving to each other as lovers can ever be, but without the strings and demands of the label and the heart.

I’m very happy to the amount of exposure Maymay gets and I think she really deserves it. Nonetheless, as a big fan of Edward as well, I hope he gets his exposure soon. Maymay has the mass appeal and she’s damn talented (I’m so proud!), but Edward is kind of reserve and awkward. Right now, more people recognize Maymay while Edward is recognized as Maymay’s partner, but knowing his talent in acting and just the gem of a man and of a human being that he is, I hope he gets his big break soon, too. I hope he also gets recognized for his talent as Edward John Barber, not just the Ward of MayWard. He deserves that recognition, too. Soon please!

Love these kids to bits. Looking forward to the movie on Wednesday! ❤

Day 252: 09.09.17



I began my day watching Beelzebub episodes, caught up with La Luna Sangre episodes, and even devoted some time catching up on MW ganaps, so now it is almost 8 PM but I’m just going to start my productive time.

Haaaay. I have two tasks for school, eight reports for work, and one pending report for school, but I have done…NONE.

God bless my lazy ass.

Day 251: 09.08.17


This work week finally ended. *sigh*

Anyhow, I heard from our supervisor that no one from the practicum students wanted to be in our 4s/5s class. Haha! I’m slightly offended, but dominantly wondering. They all had their time to observe our class, but strangely, our class did not appeal to them?

Oh well.

I’d say our class is the most peaceful one, but does that make it less appealing? I do wonder about their thoughts. Haha.

Day 250: 09.07.17

It’s another round of arguing with my boss this afternoon.
Finally, she made me cry. I didn’t cry because I was hurt (though I was seriously offended by some of her words, her accusations about my skills), I cried because I was frustrated. So very much.

My pet peeve is repeating what I explained to the same person over and over again. And since same person, at every turn, will try to put me down, it’s the same frustration over and over, too.

It’s exhausting.

But then again, as my blessed supervisor said, if I’m in the right, go fight for it. Choose good battles. I try not to collide with her, but over a year of stress with her triggers me. Haaaay.

Oh the karma.
Oh the karma.